Weekly Trackers/Checklists

Your Weekly Checklist/Tracker is essential for membership success. (Plus, who doesn't love a good checklist!)

Activities vary a bit each month, but here's some of what you might do:

✅ Track Your Food

Research shows that tracking works. Use a paper tracker, an app, WW, My Fitness Pal, or another method. Choose the method that works best for you.

✅ Daily Do-able

These are small healthy habits that add up to big results.

✅ Eat Fruit and Vegetables

The science of calorie density teaches the importance of including fruits and veggies in all your meals. These keep you full and satisfied and are packed with healthy nutrients.

✅ Move

While exercise can't counteract a poor diet, it's incredibly good for your heart, bones, muscles, and mood. All movement counts, including shopping, cleaning, walking, and more.

✅ Plan

When you plan what you will eat ahead of time, you use the logical adult part of your brain. When you make food choices on a whim, you use the primitive toddler part of your brain.

Planning ahead can be:

  • Making a grocery list.
  • Planning dinners for the next week.
  • Looking at a restaurant menu before you go out.
  • Tracking tomorrow's food tonight.
  • At breakfast, tracking the rest of the day.
  • Planning how you'll manage food at an event like a birthday party.

✅ Grow

Choose one spiritual or personal growth activity you want to track, like daily devotions, time with your spouse, reading, or doing a hobby.

If you use our monthly Christian weight loss journal, track it here.

✅ Weigh-In

Weigh in once a week on Tuesdays.

✅ Weekly Video

Plan to watch the weekly video. The videos are live on Monday nights at 7:00 PM EST. A replay is available.

Which activity will be most helpful for you? Share in the comments.

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