Change Your Thoughts
At The Holy Mess, we use affirmations.
Affirmations are truth statements.
Here are examples:
- I can do hard things.
- My mess becomes my message.
- I will follow my food plan today.
If you've struggled with your weight for a long time, you've probably told yourself lies like:
- I can't lose weight no matter what I try.
- I have no willpower.
- I'll never lose this weight. Why bother.
You might have said these things to yourself hundreds or even thousands of times. That's created a pathway in your brain, like a well-worn trail through a grassy field.
Thinking and speaking the truth creates a new path. Trust me, the new path is the one you want to be on.
Use our printable cards to reaffirm the new paths you are creating with healthier thoughts.
I respect if you think affirmations are cheesy and not your thing. I used to think that, too.
Give them a try and see what happens.