Christian Weight Loss at The Holy Mess

The Holy Mess Membership aims to lead women to healthy weight loss and wellness.

We include Christian weight loss resources in our program. If you want to use them, that's great! If not, that's okay too.

Christian Weight Loss Activities

Each month has a Christian weight loss topic that connects with the month's theme. All members are welcome to participate at no additional cost:

  • We have two weekly discussion posts on Wednesdays and Fridays specific to the month's Christian weight loss focus.
  • Every month's 3rd Monday night video is about losing weight while keeping God at the center of your journey. All members are welcome.

Christian Weight Loss Journals

Every month, you'll be offered the option to purchase a new Christian Weight Loss journal (with a built-in member discount!) Get the journal every month, or pick and choose the topics that meet your needs.

  • The journals are designed with a flexible format so that you can do one activity per day, or a few at a time.
  • The journals are undated, so you can use them as we go through them as a group or later on your own.
  • The member's 25% discount is only for the current month's journal, so be sure to grab a copy. After that, the journal will be available at the regular price.

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