Teachable Tips

Here are some helpful tips for navigating the Teachable system.

What is Teachable?

Teachable is a platform where The Holy Mess hosts challenges, printable products, videos, and more. You are inside Teachable right now.

Why Do We Use Teachable?

Thanks for your patience with using Teachable. We understand it requires an extra step to log in or create a new account, but we promise it's worth it!

Teachable provides a private location where you can safely share about your weight loss or faith journey. (Even in private Facebook groups, the reality is that social media is not entirely private.)

Teachable also gives you a library of items you've purchased so that you can access them again later. No more searching through your email or computer files for missing documents!

How Do I Find The Holy Mess Teachable Again?

Let's say you close this course. A few days go by. You might be scratching your head thinking, wait...how do I get back into Teachable again?

Click here: https://the-holy-mess.teachable.com/

Other options:

What If I Can’t Get Logged Into Teachable?

Once enrolled in Teachable, you can use a magic code or password to log in.

  • The magic code is an excellent option if you’ve forgotten your password or have trouble getting it to work.
  • The password is an excellent option if you have trouble getting the magic code.

How Do I Find a Course I Bought from The Holy Mess in Teachable?

Here are the steps to find a product you bought or enrolled in from The Holy Mess Teachable:

  1. Click here: https://the-holy-mess.teachable.com/.
  2. Log in to your Teachable account using the “Log in” feature in the top right corner.
  3. Click on “My Products.” All the items you purchased or enrolled in will be listed.

Click here for The Holy Mess courses you currently enroll in, or contact Teachable for further assistance. Email [email protected] for additional support.

How Do I Update My Teachable Account?

You can access your student profile in the top right corner (where my photo is in the screenshot above). There, you can update your email preferences, credit card information, and more.

Why is It Telling Me I Have to Enroll? I Already Bought This!

If you haven’t been inside Teachable for awhile, when you go back to a course, you might see a screen like this.

This just means you need to log into your Teachable account again.

Other Questions?

Click here for additional The Holy Mess Customer Support.

Please email us for additional help: [email protected].

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