Can't I just wing it? ๐ฆ
How Do I Know What I'll Be in the Mood For?
We end up going out, or I forget that we won't be home. -Sheryl V.
Why meal plan if you don't know what the day will bring?
You CAN wing it with your meal plans. You are a grown-up. You can do whatever you want.
The question is, "Is it working for you?"
If it's working, keep doing it. However, I suspect that isn't the case, or you wouldn't be here.
If winging it isn't giving you the results you want, then it's time to make a change. To have a different result, you have to take a different action.
Some of the directions you will read here might feel uncomfortable or awkward. You might roll your eyes and think,
"That's what boring old people do who are headed to nursing homes where dinner is served at 4:30 PM. I have a real life."
Your toddler brain might throw a temper tantrum.
That's okay. Put adult you in charge, and try it anyway. Release judgment and think like a scientist about trying something new as an experiment.
The end results will be worth it.
In the comments, let us know how you feel about changing your meal planning efforts.